Make the food you eat work for you!

Through life experience, you're probably well aware that not all diets work for everyone! We are all unique and one eating program that may bring health and good energy to one person could very well bring sickness and disease to someone else.

At Mind and Body Fitness Connections, we will discuss your nutrition requirements in depth so that the right program can be created for you! Our Wellness Coach will give you questionnaires to learn more about your lifestyle and nutrition habits. Once we determine the aspects that may need the most attention, an individual plan will be created for using metabolic typing and food healing protocols developed by Supreme Science Qigong Center. Some of the areas that will be addressed include:

Your customized nutrition plan at Mind and Body Fitness Connections will help you maximize your quality of life!

Nutrition Highlight

Why eat organic?

Eating organically is a trend we hear discussed more and more every day, and for good reasons: tere is growing concern about the quality of our food and water. Currently there is more and more research being done on the difference between organic and commercially raised meat and produce. Studies are showing that organically raised crops have higher nutrient levels and lower toxicity levels than conventionally raised crops. At Mind and Body Fitness Connections, we can help you make sense of the organic trend and learn how to incorporate organic eating into your life!