Massage Continuing Education Classes

Five Course Offerings

  • Self Care Practices for Massage Therapists & Their Clients

  • Dynamic Posture Assessment & Treatment Protocols

  • Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy and Myofascial ReleaseTechniques for the Lower Body

  • Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy and Myofascial ReleaseTechniques for the Upper Body

  • Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy and Myofascial ReleaseTechniques for the Craniofacial Pain and Headaches

    Click the Learn More button for details about the next class offering

Recorded Classes



Recordings from the winter session of all 6 classes are available and include lecture, powerpoint and guided meditations. Click below to purchase the Vimeo showcase of the classes for $49 and you will be emailed the link and password.

Week 1: Overview of Health- Learn common pitfalls in achieving improved health and ways to bring balance to your body in order to maintain the greatest vitality possible.

Guided Meditation: The Journey to Health

Week 2: Why Movement Matters- Learn how to determine the best type and timing of exercise for you. Learn the difference between working out and working in.

Guided Meditation: Movement for Release

Week 3: The Role of Nutrition & Hydration in Health- Learn about balanced eating for individual metabolic types and learn the healing properties of specific foods and herbs

Guided Meditation: Healing Our Relationship With Food

Week 4: Breath is Life- Learn the importance of correct breathing and it’s role in good health. Learn about different styles of breathing and when to use them. Also, learn about the importance of quality sleep and how breathing plays a role in sleep health

Guided Meditation: Breath is Life

Week 5: The Mind Unveiled- Learn the role of thoughts and emotions in health

Guided Meditation: Thought Ascension

Week 6: Creating Connection- Learn the benefits of having connection to community, God and our creative spirit

Guided Meditation: Healed Relationships Strengthens Connection

Energy Practice Intensives

Recordings from these 8 week classes include lectures, supporting videos, notes and photos. Click below to purchase the Vimeo showcase of the classes for $99 and you will be emailed the link and password.

Learn more about the course here